Why should I use a de-ionization cartridge with low electrical conductivity glycol fluid?
Why should I use a de-ionization cartridge with low electrical conductivity glycol fluid? Using a de-ionization (DI) cartridge
Dynalene develops, manufactures and distributes industrial heat transfer fluids and coolants such as glycols, which include propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, BioGlycol and Solar Glycol, as well as other fluids such as potassium formate, calcium chloride, and hydrocarbon and silicone chemistries. Dynalene specializes in high performance industrial coolants and low-temperature heat transfer fluids, including our Dynalene HC series, MV and HF-LO. Our heat transfer fluids can operate down to -170°F/-112°C (Dynalene MV) for ultra-low temperature cryogenic applications and up to 1050°F/565°C (molten salt products) for high-temperature thermal storage. Selection of the best heat transfer fluid for your application is made easy with the help from our experts and Dynalene’s proven and efficient heat transfer fluid product line.
Dynalene offers comprehensive filtration, ion exchange and desiccation solution that is compatible with all of our fluids. Our product line includes standard and custom design equipment that can be tailored to your needs. Additionally, we also offer basic accessories such as refractometer, hydrometer, pH meter and pH paper that can be used to measure fluid properties of propylene glycol, ethylene glycol and other Dynalene heat transfer fluids. These accessories are made available to our customers to help them constantly monitor the health of our heat transfer fluid in their system.
Dynalene Laboratory Services offers a wide range of analytical testing designed to meet our client’s needs. Our laboratory capabilities encompass three main categories: Thermal/Physical, Chemical and Materials and Corrosion testing. Dynalene has a wide array of instrumentation and years of experience analyzing materials from a broad range of industries. Increase your productivity and save time and money by consulting with our experts to address your unique analytical needs. Whether you need simple sample ID, routine QC, detailed product characterization, method development, or material compatibility and corrosion studies, our personnel can customize services to fit your unique testing requirements.
Click the button to access links for all Technical data sheets, SDSs and Engineering guides for all the Dynalene heat transfer fluids
If you need more information regarding any Dynalene heat transfer fluid then call us at 1.877.244.5525 or email your requirements to info@dynalene.com.
Why should I use a de-ionization cartridge with low electrical conductivity glycol fluid? Using a de-ionization (DI) cartridge
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